Monday 8 October 2012

Sound - Hunger Clip 9

Activity 1
in this activity we have been told to write down all of the sounds we can hear in it, my list was

  • birds
  • breathing
  • foot steps
  • keys dangling
  • chairs scraping
  • breathing audibly heard to stop
  • singing on the bus 
these sounds create an atmosphere that i find hard to explain, it creates a quite awkward atmosphere because without diegetic sound it is hard to interact with the film properly. the noises are all harsh as well, by this i mean they are loud and disturbing like the loud slamming of doors, and the scraping of chairs.

Activity 2
when there is only silence the camera is focusing on the dying man in the film, we have been told that he is starving to death. we are gradually shown how weak he is getting and his extreme struggle for energy. for example we are shown the dying mans eye lid opening and closing as he struggles to see, we can even hear this which is very disturbing and strange to watch, and also it shows us the state he is actually in. the silence can be seen to add effect to how his life will be coming to an end, to silence.

Activity 3
the key sounds of birds and breathing relate to the story that unfolds in many ways. to begin with the disturbing slow loud breathing emphasises his struggle he is facing and his verge to death. also when we are shown Bobby as a child running in the woods, we are shown a sound of birds scattering around, Bobby had been running for a while and the set had started to get dark, by this time Bobby is lost and doesn't know his way back, and he continues to run. this foreshadows his life now, because he is in this state and there is just no turning back, and he knows he's going to die. 

the Crows in the trees could possibly represent the rural area that was what he lived in when he was younger, and this could link to not being well thought of as a child, this is because rural areas usually don't have many services because the demand isn't needed as much. this could represent Bobby not being loved and thought about as a child as well.

the heavy exhausting breathing of Bobby when he is running through the woods could be seen as a contrast to the state he is in now, this is because in the woods he is exhausted but continues running which can show he is fit, where as in the clip of him as an adult, he is shown to be weak, with heavy slow breathing, drained of energy, this shows what the progression of time has caused for him well.

Activity 4
in this last part of the extract we are introduced to some music during the sequence. my initial thoughts on this music is that is was loud and strange, this is because it had no variety to it and it wasn't ear candy. Also when i listened to the music more carefully i could tell that it was also sad, and could be related to as funeral music. this could link with what will happen at the end of his life, and that it isn't far away to his death.

the film maker builds up an atmosphere by the use of silence, he does this to maybe get the audience to concentrate more on what is happening in the actual screens, and also that death is quiet and peaceful, when you have died there is nothing, no noise no speaking, and this could be resembled in the use of silence.

there is a contrast in the sounds we are listening to, the silence can show us the peace in death and how after it is told to be calm. however with the loud disturbing scraping noises, and also the shocking sudden slams, this can foreshadow the pain and noise in death and what it does to you when your slowly dying and i believe this has been portrayed great.

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